父親深受肝癌之苦,整天癱在床上不能動彈。 看見一個肉體快速壞滅的過程,我開始尋求有關健康的訊息。 看到這篇「我的健康自然狀態」冥想,覺得很棒,推薦給大家。 也推薦這個網站,給喜愛靈修的朋友們。

 翻譯:明憲 / 摘自:亞伯拉罕訊息「有求必應」 Ask and It is Given~ The Teachings of Abraham

 • 健康,是身體的本然狀態。It is natural for my body to be well.

 • 我雖不知怎麼做才會更健康,但我的身體知道。
Even if I don't know what to do in order to get better, my body does.

 • 我身內有數兆個具有個別意識的細胞,而且它們都知道如何達成各自的平衡。I have trillions of cells with individual Consciousness, and they know how to achieve their individual balance.

 • 我因不知道這些,所以我生病了。When this condition began, I didn't know what I know now.

 • 如果我早知道這些,我就不會病了。
If I had known then what I know now, this condition couldn't have gotten started.

 • 我不需去瞭解這個病的起因。 I don't need to understand the cause of this illness.

•我無需說明這場病是怎麼回事。 I don't need to explain how it is that I'm experiencing this illness.

 • 我只須溫和、漸漸地釋放掉這個病。I have only to gently, eventually, release this illness.

 •雖然病已發生,不過沒關係,它現在要逆轉回去了。It doesn't matter that it got started, because it's reversing its course right now.

It's natural that it would take some time for my body to begin to align to my improved thoughts of Well-Being.

 • 這當中無需躁進。There's no hurry about any of this.

 •健康是我本然的狀態。 Well-Being is natural to me.

 • 我內在的「精神存有」精細地覺察我的肉身。My Inner Being is intricately aware of my physical body.

 • 我的細胞會自動呼求維持健康成長所需的一切,「本源能量」會回應它們的請求。My cells are asking for what they need in order to thrive, and Source Energy is answering those requests.

 • 現在我會放鬆,讓身體與我的「本源」互相溝通。
I will relax now, to allow communication between my body and my Source.

 • 我只需放鬆和呼吸。My only work is to relax and breathe.

 •我能做得到。 I can do that. 

•我能輕易地做到。 I can do that easily. 

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